“No one gives a sh*t about your music”


4 min readApr 2, 2021


Harsh, right? But it’s the truth. I know this already. I’ve actually said these words before, but to hear it out loud from someone else was the most insulting, stab to the heart comment I may have ever heard. Now I understand what it means.

I shouldn’t have been surprised and to be honest, I didn’t act surprised. And to be fair, it wasn’t directed at me specifically, but a generalization coming from a veteran music industry professional — a very close friend who’s been in the trenches from signed artist to top level position in the Canadian Music Industry.

It was a statement that speaks to the fact that the music industry is a tremendous machine run by endless funds and unless you are signed to a big three deal, then you have to survive in the independent world of fighting to be heard amongst millions of artist voices trying to get their break or at the least even being heard.

It’s a statement about the market of music consumers who buy a brand or product that resonates with them because that commodity is pushed to the front and centre to you specifically and backed by millions of corporate dollars and wealthy investors.


Of course when you start out releasing your own music, you rely on your local community, your family and friends. They are your support network, so they should support you, but was your music made for them?
They are not your audience.

Other musicians don’t care. People are living their lives. Most don’t have time for your music from a direct personal perspective.
They are not your audience.

The sooner you understand this concept, you will approach your music career differently. As soon as you accept it your mindset will change. This is bigger than you or me. It’s micro vs macro.
You need to think on a grand, global scale.

What is your goal? To get signed to a major label? Or to create a self-sustaining lifestyle supported by your love of music? Perhaps both? What if it doesn’t work out? What’s your plan B? Better yet, what’s your plan A? Wouldn’t you rather commit to something being aware of what it is you are getting into?


At first they are faceless. You have to create a profile or identity of who would listen to your music. Once identified, you have to learn to connect with those right-fit listeners. Get your music in front of the people who match the profile for who might listen to your music. This means marketing your music to people who want to listen to your sound, genre, vibe. But first you have to write great songs. And, you have to have style. But most importantly you have to be authentic.


This is a long term commitment. Forget about being an overnight success or the next big thing. Focus on your craft and being your authentic self. You need to live for and embrace your talent.

You must also realize that any famous act or artist that you “suddenly” start to hear about that has a radio or streaming hit — has been slugging it out for 5, 10 even 15 or 20 years before you ever heard their name. They’re only new because they’ve achieved macro level success and are reaching listeners on a mass level. They’ve been writing, recording, performing, touring, networking, creating their own market. Before that they were learning and practicing and understanding how the industry works. Some take longer and some work smarter in order to fast track to their goals.

Here’s some heartfelt advice from experience.


  • Get good at what you do — vocals, guitar, songwriting, etc.
  • Practice until you’re great.
  • Keep practicing.
  • Make mistakes so you can learn things.
  • Make a plan.
  • Spend money to create.
  • Ask for help.
  • Release new music regularly. (It’s the new era of the music single. The days of an album release pump is over).
  • Learn how to produce or pay a pro to make you sound pro.


  • Once you have content — you’re just beginning.
  • Identify and define your audience.
  • Find and use the right tools to allow listeners to hear your music.
  • Learn about digital streaming and royalties.
  • Create your artist brand and share your lifestyle and interests to attract like minded people.
  • It’s not just about you — it’s about what you have to say and how it resonates with others lyrically or sonically.
  • Commit to participating and contributing social content — every day.
  • Ramp up and increase frequency when you release new music.
  • Make new connections. Create new relationships that are real. Grow your network.
  • Listeners become fans. And don’t forget you can be a fan too.
  • Learn how to market or pay a pro to make you look pro.

You are investing in yourself. If you believe in your talent and skills then consider it a potential return on investment. So, if you want people to care about and listen to your music, you have to live, eat, breathe it — be real, master your skills, keep learning. If you love what you do and live an authentic life, and make sustainable income to be comfortable, then you’ve already achieved success.

Most importantly never lose sight of your goal. Dream big, believe in yourself and work smart. With perseverance, at some point the right people will truly want to listen to and appreciate your music :)




Written by jeffhardy.pro

Music & Entertainment Marketing | Master Your Music Marketing Mix

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