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Good design is good business.
2 min readFeb 10, 2015

Corporations that have learned the value-added importance of design know the difference in quality generated by having corporate material that is organized and visually integrated.

Professional graphic design helps position products or services in the marketplace. Good design can make a company more visible, more sophisticated, smarter, faster, more powerful and more desirable than the competition.

Using a Registered Graphic Designer (R.G.D.) is equivalent to having your home designed by an architect rather than by a contractor. An R.G.D. will present you with various options for a highly effective, organized, appropriate and integrated solution. Registered Graphic Designers have the expertise that can help your organization communicate, sell, and profit.

Good Design produces Effective Strategic Communication
When your communications are designed by a Registered Graphic Designer, the differences in quality may be visible at a glance, but there is much more than meets the eye.

Professional graphic design ensures a fully integrated solution that conveys the concept, the message, and the positioning your organization’s needs. A Registered Graphic Designer may successfully partner with you to integrate every phase of your communication needs.

The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario is the self-regulatory professional body for graphic designers in Ontario. The Association was created by an Act of the Ontario Legislature in 1996 and is the sole grantor of the designations Registered Graphic Designer and R.G.D. The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario is the governing and disciplinary body for its members in Ontario. Under the Act (Bill PR56), the Association’s mandate is to serve the best interests of both the graphic design industry and the public.

Jeff Hardy has been a Professional member of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario since 1998.

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Originally published at on December 16, 2008.



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